
reflection questions to process & take your time before jumping back to your to do's

20 min mini The Movement Class

short audio from the founder to inspire

a nourishing recipe or two

Your energy levels are not the same everyday, your needs matter and those needs change depending on the seasons of your life.

This trio of DIY Mini Retreats have got you covered with 45 - 60 minute curated experiences designed to fill your cup, free the tension and feel your strength. We've included all the elements of a live and in person TM experience able to be replicated and done anywhere, anytime on your terms.

As a Bonus, you'll also get the Honor Your Energy Workbook to help you better understand your own seasons and cycles as a woman.

* You'll have 3 months of access to this retreat.

Why 3 months? Because, girl, we want to give you the nudge to actually make time for yourself. We know, (from experience) how often we say 'This is exactly what I need!' and then it hits the back burner and goes stone cold. Forever.

The Replenish Retreat
Good for low energy, grief, irritability and tired days. Think autumn and winter, new and waning moons, stillness, rest, restoration, grounding, connection, winding down and flowing.

The Fuel Your Fire Retreat
Good for restless, excess, gotta move, intense, fiery, motivated energy. Think spring, waxing moons, beginnings, trying new things, focus, drive and challenging.

The Release Retreat
Good for expansive, high and creative energy. Think summer, full moons, sass, expression, liberation, exploration and sensual pleasure.

Each Retreat Includes:

The Retreat Set | At Home

