Start Your Personal Path Today!




BodyStories Training Tier One

Tier One Includes:


FIVE monthly payments of


* After 6 months, you can continue community and monthly call access for $33/mo.

**You can upgrade to become a certified Facilitator when a cohort becomes available:
Tier #2 Certification Starter for $1500 (6 x $250)
Tier #3 Lifetime Learner for $3000 (8 x $375)

Have the foundational practice of BodyStories for yourself!

This will deliver all the benefits you crave from a personal practice and would gain as a participant. Learn to let your body lead, give all the women inside you permission and begin becoming your own soft place to land.

Perfect for women seeking to experience and integrate BodyStories into their own well being journey first, aren't ready to commit to certification yet or want to start today when cohorts aren't currently available to join!

The Personal Path does not include facilitator certification but you can upgrade later when a cohort comes available!

This is a self-study with community support and will not allow facilitation or professional use as you won’t go in depth into the method itself or how you could use it professionally.

+ 4 week drip BodyStories Personal Path Course (yours to keep)

+ Sanctuary: the archetypal exploration of women’s conditioning through mythology and astrology (yours to keep)

+ 6 months of Slack Community and monthly calls with Lead Facilitators to integrate and put this into practice with support and connection

Book a discovery call with Joanna to get your answers and choose the right tier for you


special introductory pricing!

Usually $1500

Usually $300

Rocky | Foundational Facilitator

"This training changed me. I'm such a different woman to myself, my children, other women, my husband. It's so much more than I expected. It's deep and powerful. It was such a catalyst for me. Erika holds such an incredible space. I've never felt so held before. Women everywhere need The Movement & I get to share it in my own way with my own style & expression."

the certification starter

Start for $2450 with payment plans

Tier Two

The lifetime learner

$3999 with payment PlanS
the full package!

Tier Three

The personal path

Tier One

start for $1111 with payment plans

Explore All Of your options